Belly Detox

How to Get Rid of a Bloated Stomach – 8 Natural Solutions

Having a bloated stomach is never fun! The majority of people experience the unpleasant sensation of bloating at some point in their lives, whether it is due to an unhealthy eating habit or an underlying medical condition. 

When you feel bloated, nothing else in life matters! The only thing on your mind is: how to get rid of a bloated stomach as quickly as possible. 

Feeling bloated can not only add unexpected inches to your waistline, but also takes a toll on your self-confidence. 

And while it may be uncomfortable, there are ways to alleviate bloating and reduce your overall stomach size to prevent future discomfort.  

In this article, we are breaking down six steps you can take today to get rid of a bloated stomach once and for all! 

First, let’s explore some of the factors that lead to bloating…  

What is Abdominal Bloating?

Abdominal bloating is when gas builds up in your stomach or intestines and causes swelling. The condition is commonly caused by excessive food intake, constipation, or simply because you have eaten something that doesn’t sit well with your stomach.

A person can also suffer from bloating due to an infection or even pregnancy. 

One thing that many people don’t realize is that it’s not only uncomfortable but can cause health problems as well. 

One research study revealed a correlation between chronic bloating and heart disease and stroke risks. 

For this reason, you should pay attention to what might be causing your abdominal bloating if you’re experiencing symptoms such as pain, discomfort, difficulty swallowing, fever, bloody stools, vomiting blood, or unexplained weight loss. 

Consult your primary care physician if you experience additional symptoms. 

How to Get Rid of a Bloated Stomach Naturally

1. Don’t Over Eat

Overeating can cause your stomach to bloat and feel uncomfortable. To avoid this, try eating smaller portions and cutting back on junk food. 

If you continue to feel bloated, try standing up for about 15 minutes after eating or taking a relaxing walk. 

Laying down must be avoided at all costs! After a meal, keeping your body in an upright position helps ease the digestion process. In contrast, laying down straightaway will prolong your suffering and cause more bloating and GERD. In other words: Don’t Do It! 

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2. Avoid Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks are notorious for causing bloating. If you want to get rid of your bloat, it’s best to cut out these drinks altogether. 

This means sodas, energy drinks, and even sparkling water should be left on grocery store shelves. 

The bubbles in these drinks can release extra air, making you feel like you’ve overindulged when you haven’t eaten anything.

If you find yourself constantly bloated after drinking carbonated beverages, try switching to water or low-sugar fruit juice instead.

3. Cut Down on Salt

Salt is a leading cause of bloating and water retention, so it is worth cutting back on how much salt you eat. 

There are many ways to reduce your sodium intake: 

  • Choose fresh foods instead of processed ones.
  • When seasoning food, use herbs and spices instead of salt.
  • Try using sea salt or herb-based salts like pink Himalayan salt.

You can also add flavor with lemon juice or vinegar and avoid processed foods like chips, pretzels, and canned soups, which are usually high in sodium.

4. Drink More Water

There is massive underconsumption of water globally, and now is the perfect time to start drinking more.

Drinking more fluids will help flush out toxins and excess sodium from your system, which will lead to instant bloating relief. 

You could also try adding some fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (with the mother) to your water. These are both natural remedies for getting rid of bloated stomachs. 

Read: How to Get a Flatter Stomach By Drinking These Top 8 Healthy Detox Drinks

5. Avoid Foods That Give You Gas

If you are dealing with abdominal bloating, the first step in getting rid of it is to avoid foods that give you gas. 

Common foods that can cause abdominal bloating include cruciferous vegetables such as: broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, beans, dairy products, wheat, some fruits and carbonated beverages. Artificial sweeteners can also lead to abdominal bloating.

The best way to determine which foods are causing your abdominal bloating is to keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat and drink for several days, and note any changes in your symptoms after eating certain foods. Then try avoiding those foods for a few weeks and see if your symptoms improve. 

It’s important to note that avoiding certain foods may not completely relieve your abdominal bloating. However, it can help reduce the symptoms so that you can enjoy life more comfortably.

6. Exercise Regularly

If you have ever felt uncomfortable or bloated after eating, you know the frustration of abdominal bloating. However, did you know that exercise can help reduce the symptoms? 

Regular physical activity can reduce the pressure within your abdomen, enabling gas to escape. Walking, jogging, biking, or even elliptical exercise are all effective forms of exercise that will help deflate your bloat. This type of exercise helps expel gas and helps digestion move forward. 

To maximize the effects of exercise on reducing bloating, aim to work out for 30 minutes at a moderate to mild intensity. 

You don’t have to break a sweat—even light exercise can do the trick! After you’re done with your workout, take a few minutes to relax and let the gas escape. 

Now that you know how exercise can help reduce bloating, you can use it to make yourself feel better when abdominal bloating strikes.

7. Try Probiotics

Did you know that probiotics are one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to help alleviate bloating? 

Probiotics work by balancing the good and bad bacteria in your gut, which has been shown to reduce digestive symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and more (1). 

And it’s not just your stomach that benefits! Probiotics have also been found to offer relief from skin conditions such as acne and rosacea.

8. Avoid Sugar-Free Foods

When you consume sugar free food, it is often made with artificial sweeteners and other chemicals that your body isn’t able to properly digest. 

As a result, these indigestible chemicals end up fermenting in your digestive tract, leading to excess gas and bloating. To help reduce the amount of abdominal bloating you experience, try to avoid sugar free foods whenever possible. 

Eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and opting for natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup instead can help improve your digestion and reduce bloating. 

If you find that bloating persists despite reducing sugar free foods in your diet, talk to your doctor about possible causes and treatments.

When to Contact Your Doctor

If you have the following symptoms, contact your doctor: 

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Pale skin
  • Extreme cramping
  • Bloating or gas with no other apparent cause
  • Loss of appetite or nausea

When these symptoms last for more than two days, it’s important to see your doctor.

The information in this blog post is not intended as medical advice or diagnosis and should not replace consultation with a qualified health care provider. 

If you have any concerns about your physical or mental health, please seek out help from your primary care provider. 

Bottom Line

Now that you know the common causes of abdominal bloating and what steps to take to reduce it, it’s time to take action and eliminate your bloated stomach. 

In just a few easy steps, you can find relief and comfort from the uncomfortable symptoms of bloating. 

Start by cutting out problem foods, drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, and taking digestive supplements. 

Doing these things will help your body get back on track and reduce abdominal bloating. 

As always, if the symptoms persist or worsen, it is always best to speak to your doctor or healthcare provider. 

So, do not hesitate to take action today and rid yourself of bloating.

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